Thursday, December 26, 2019

Outsourcing and Third Party Companies Essay - 2017 Words

Outsourcing relates to a firm contracting with another firm to provide products or services which could otherwise be made in-house. The contracted third party company takes control of the work and it is accountable for the success of the work assigned. Many organizations today outsource services such as electronic mail services, payroll, and customer care call center services. A firm contracts with a company that has specialized in production or provision of a given service, where in many cases the company is located overseas. Having looked at what is all about outsourcing it is important to note that; a business outsources a job that it considers not to be the core business of the company. An insurance company for instance outsources its†¦show more content†¦Many companies contracted have specialized skills and knowledge in that service such that they can be able to do the work faster and using little resources since they do not spend extra money in providing worker benefi ts, and other overhead expenses are few. Outsourcing allows organizations to focus on their core business while other businesses are taken care of by their experts from outside the company. Therefore, resources that could have been used in production of outsourced jobs are used for the most important functions and operations of the business, which is focusing of important and scarce company resources on projects that are more crucial. The contracted firm handles the job outsourced since it has world class expertise and the most updated technology which a company could not have afforded to buy. Another reason for outsourcing is where a company wishes to expand; outsourcing is more economical in building foundations in foreign countries. A company that outsources achieves speed and quality products and services. An organization that outsources also earns a competitive edge through establishment of strategic relationships with high standards service providers. This helps an organization to be able to satisfy its customers fully. Having outsourced, training costs will be avoided where the contracted third party will concentrate on training issues. Risk management is also another advantage for relying on a third party since the company risks will beShow MoreRelatedCompetition And Sustainability For Reducing Production Costs1467 Words   |  6 PagesCompetition and sustainability in the third-party IT contracting industry in the United States are driven by economic factors such as outsourcing, globalization, mergers, and acquisitions (Rose-Anderssen, Baldwin, Ridgway, 2011). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Expressions Of Grief, Loss And Mourning Essay - 1957 Words

Elizabeth Correll November 29, 2016 ENGL 227 Professor Tessone Expressions of Grief, Loss and Mourning in Romantic Poetry In A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Edmund Burke writes, â€Å"It is the nature of grief to keep its object perpetually in its eye, to present it in its most pleasurable views, to repeat all the circumstances that attend to it†. Burke’s writing attempts to clarify the â€Å"pictorial, literary, cultural, economic and psychological† phenomenon of sublimity, explicating the ways in which power, vastness, obscurity and beauty intersect to form emotional response. A Philosophical Enquiry elucidates why so many Romantic poets and writers would make grief, mourning and death the subjects of their works; the limitless, obscure, infinite theme death corresponds to the existential, contemplative and introspective ideas Romantic writers were attempting to interrogate. Death is unknown and thusly, by Burke’s definition, sublime. But the subject of death in Roma ntic literature transcends the topic of corporeal death and explores the death of memory, of youth, of innocence and of the past. ‘Death’ becomes something that can encompass multiple forms and occur in different ways, and the exploration of this coincides with the existential, philosophical preoccupations of the time. Furthermore, the Romantic writers were grappling with a shifting, changing society that caused a sense of pervasive loss in their works; as artists,Show MoreRelatedA Critical Comparison Of Expressions Of Grief1419 Words   |  6 PagesA Critical Comparison of Expressions of Grief in Asia Death is universal and while grief is a common reaction to this inevitable occurrence, responses can be varied across Asian cultures. Ethnographic accounts reveal how grief and bereavement is expressed in this region and provides a basis for discussion. 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Bereavement of a parent can traumatize a child so badly that it can affect him or her later in adulthood. Under those circumstances psychological treatment should be obtained for the child after bereavement has taken place. In Angela Kanini Kaberia’s article, â€Å"Influence of early parental loss on the psychological functioning andRead MoreGrief, Bereavement And Disenfranchised Grief1745 Words   |  7 Pagesexamines the implications of grief, bereavement and disenfranchised grief. Grief in response to a loss is a unique experience and is expressed distinctively by every individual. It is helpful to have models that outline the stages of grief that need to be experienced in order to achieve acceptance. However, their utility is limited by the reality that grief is immeasurably complex and individualized. Veterans and children are two groups at risk of developing disenfranchised grief. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gender Roles of Toys R Us free essay sample

To top it all off, the packaging for gender specific toys are color-coded- the boys’ toys are mostly in blue and the girls’, mostly in pink. Do children actually take the time to notice that the two different sections are clearly marked by different colors? In my small amount of research this matter is considerably downplayed by most children, who really just want their damn toys! I personally believe that Toys R Us clearly stereotypes girls by handling the majority of everyday life on the inside and men handling it on the outside. Heading over to the boys section, in blue a somewhat manly color, most will mainly see that the toys take on a roll of adventure and physical activity, most of which take place outside of the home. When I was a child about 90% of my play time took place outside, as I see the boys around my neighborhood playing outside throughout the day. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Roles of Toys R Us or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Growing up as a boy, the best place for playing was obviously outside, demanding increased durability for boys’ toys. Take Tonka Trucks for example, which are made and marketed toward the male gender. They demonstrate versatility by being able to be played with inside as well as outside. Outside is probably more exciting for young boys, because they can fill the dump truck up with dirt, dig ditches and have their own little construction site. Through my research the most popular toy set to play with outside is the, â€Å"My Tool Kit, which teaches boys coordination and problem-solving skills needed to survive in the outside world. You can also find toys that reflect high paying white-collar occupations, like the, My Carry-Along Briefcase†, as a child I remember assuming men that carried brief cases must have been rich, as most boys see this and think, â€Å"power†. Generally boy’s toys prepare them for the real world. For example, the Electronic Rescue Center†, Police Communication System†, Emergency Action Set. Each of these toys teach young boys the importance of an occupation, generally teaching stereotypical male careers such as doctors, lawyers, policemen, and firemen. Manufacturers make and market these boys toys under the pre-conceived notion that boys will excel at these tasks. Oddly enough we don’t see many girls outside with their toys. Girl’s toys on the other hand, tend to be a little bit more on the feminine side, from Suzie homemaker type toys to beauty inspired toys. They are also stereotyping women and the expectations of the female role in society. From these toys girls learn that their roles take place in the home, including duties that require completion of household chores and nurturing the children. The descriptions on many of the packages tell the child the importance of their roles. For example, the script on the box of Baby Newborn doll set says, Without you, Baby Newborn could not survive. Through your love and support Baby Newborn can grow to be just like you. † Messages of this nature tell girls that only they can provide a child with the love and care they need to survive, reinforcing the stereotype that women stay home and take care of the children. In the end the bottom line is that most children will learn the values that parents instill in them, and not based on the toys that they play with. I cannot say that the toys that I played with when I was five, in any way made a difference in what I am doing with my life now. Just because the soccer balls are located in with the boy’s toys, does not mean that young girls cannot play soccer. The same goes for basketball and softball. Similarly, with boys toys, just because cooking sets and tea parties are not things that they play with at young ages, does not mean that they cannot be a chef when they get older and get jobsIn conclusion, a solid argument can be made that gender-specific toys affect the marketing tactics of major toy companies. In today’s society, there are two parent families and single parent families, in which both cases, many parents work at least part-time. Do parents even have time to think about these kinds of things? In talking with several parents for this project, many of them said that they do not think about the stereotypical messages that toys send to children. Many said that their children tell them what toys they would like to have, when they see them on television, in weekly newspaper ads or specialty holiday catalogs. When shopping, they select other toys based on the children’s preference, responsiveness to commercials and advertisements, as well as additional interests, such as sports, music, and media. In my opinion, parents, friend and other nurturing elements are the number one factors of children’s gender roles, although Toys R Us, holds back in no way to go along with the trend of the modern day stereo types and what they think will market towards

Monday, December 2, 2019

Shoehorn Sonata Speech + Related Text free essay sample

At age 15, you are thrown into a war, fighting for your life and your will to live is slowly diminishing. Are you scared? Probably, but you know that if you show fear, everyone will see you as being weak. This is what the main protagonists of both the play, Shoe Horn Sonata by John Mistro and the movie, Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross endured. Together with photographs, cinematic techniques and symbols, these texts represent the devastation of war, the bonds of friendship forged during a war and their respective will to survive. Friendship is defined as a relationship between friends. In Shoe Horn Sonata, when Sheila and Bridie first meet, it seems unlikely that they will ever be friends. They are complete polar opposites. Sheila cynical statement ‘People always get on when they’re tossed in together. I’d hardly call that friendship. ’, reinforces that Bridie and Sheila initially formed a friendship out of desperation to survive, not because there was mutual affection for each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Shoehorn Sonata Speech + Related Text or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bitter tone is utilised to convey Shelia’s survival instincts are prioritised over tender friendship. Additionally the alliteration of tossed in together reflects how people in war have no choice of their companions, that it pushes them together in survival. Similarly in the Hunger Games , the friendships that Katniss makes with both Rue and are forged out of necessity and need rather than sentiment. Rue and Katniss team up as they both have valuable skills assets that the other would like to utilise to their advantage such as when Rue manages to take a weapon unnoticed using the trees. In many ways, an alliance with Rue is an alliance to District 11 which Katniss can use to her benefit. Peter and Katniss act as if they are lovers in a ploy for the audience as a means to survive as seen when Katniss receives a note from Haymitch asking ‘You call that a kiss? ’. The sarcastic tone makes Katniss realise that the ploy will be futile as if Haymitch is doubtful then others will be too. Both texts show that although they may not have been friends in normal circumstances, war has pushed them together and this has attributed to them surviving. Symbols are also used in both texts to represent the protagonists’ hope and survival. For example, the shoehorn in Shoe Horn Sonata is first seen when the girls are in the water and Bridie uses it to wake Sheila up and prevent her from drowning. In this scene, it a metaphorical and representative an object of survival and the will to live. As the play goes on, the shoehorn symbolises family for Bridie and sacrifice for Sheila but in the end it unites the girls and demonstrates that not only did they survive the war, they survived the effects of the war as well. Caramel is another symbol of survival. It was the only luxury the girls had during the camp and ‘it had to last till the end of the war’. The caramel was even important enough that it was written into the girls’ wills. This conveys to the audience that the girls clung to the hope that they would eventually be released from the prison camp. On the other hand, in Hunger Games, the mockingbird pin was not only Katniss’s link to her district, but a symbol of her love for her father as well as her survival. The pin is a representation of a creature with a spirit of her own. By breaking free of the Capitol’s control this show that the Capitol does not have complete control of the districts. Katniss, like the mockingjay, has escaped from the Capitol’s clutches which is why the pin symbolises her survival and spirit. The photographs shown during interview in Shoe Horn Sonata support the dialogue and give the audience a visual representation of what the girls went through during the camp. In scene 7, you see visuals of what the prisoners looked like during the camp. They are emaciated, haggard and impoverish. The effects of the imprisonment of the innocent is clearly highlighted during these photographs. The stark black and white photos depicting the harrowing effects of mistreatment of innocents evokes sympathy towards the prisoners from the viewer and loathing for their captors. In contrast, within the Hunger Games, the film is seen as whirs and jolts with sharply edited scenes intercutting from perspective to perspective which represents Katniss’s inner turmoil and her agitation which accompanies those new changes. Her life is unpredictable and this is shown as the camera shakes around representing the sudden changes in her life and well as extreme long shots used to give the audience a general impression of the places she goes. Little detail can be seen in these scenes which corresponds to the insignificance of these places to Katniss. The audience witnesses the consequences of these changes but to everyone else, they are unable to see this because of the defensive stoic mask she wears. In conclusion, the protagonists in Shoe Horn Sonata and the Hunger Games have survived horrors unimaginable to us and through distinctively visual techniques such as , photographs, cinematic techniques and symbols, we are able to grasp a small idea of what they have endured on their journey. Therefore, thus despite common circumstances being the catalyst for friendship in times of war, strife and horror they are able to triumph over their circumstances because of the sustenance that this unexpected friendship provides them.